xkcd – By Randall Munroe – http://xkcd.com
- A: Wait, you’re buying techno on iTunes?
- B: Yeah. So?
- A: Couldn’t you just loop the 15-second free sample 20 times and get basically the same thing?
- techno (n.) /ˈtek.nəʊ/ refers to techno music, which is a fast electronic type of music with a lot of repetitions
- iTunes (n.) /aɪˈtjuːn/ iTunes is a media player application, used for buying, playing and/or organizing music and video files.
- loop (v.) /luːp/ here, to make the music repeat itself, as if trapped in a circle (a loop (n.) is a circle)
- sample (n.) /ˈsɑːmpl/ a small amount of something that shows you what it is like (here, on iTunes, before you buy songs, you can listen to the song for 15 seconds for free)
- basically (adv.) /ˈbeɪsɪkəli/ In the most essential respects; fundamentally; used as an emphasis
- This comic strip is making fun of the fact that techno music is just the same rhythm that is repeated over and over again.