Mimi and Eunice – Test your love – http://mimiandeunice.com
Transcript for “Test Our Love”
- Box 1. Mimi: I’ve contracted plague to test our love.
- Box 2. Mimi: Kiss me!
- Box 3. Eunice: Can’t our love have a multiple-choice test?
- contract (v.) /kənˈtrækt/ here: to get a disease
- plague (n.) /pleɪg/ a serious disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people
- multiple-choice test (n. phrase) a test where there is a question and several possible answers that are given, usually listed a) … b) … c) … d) … This kind of test is generally considered to be easier than other tests.
- Some couples sometimes want to test how much their partner loves them. Here, notice that only Mimi is ready to have the plague to prove that she loves Eunice … Eunice on the other hand is trying to look for another way to prove his love towards her.
- Notice that Eunice is skilful at not completely rejecting Mimi’s idea. By suggesting another option, he shows that he’s still willing to participate, but in a different way…